Motherless Daughters Support Groups
United States Support Groups
Phoenix, Arizona – United States
The Motherless Daughters Group is a meet-up to support, give experience, strength and hope to local girls and women who have lost their mothers.
For more info:
Website: http://motherlessdaug.meetup.com/178/
Kentfield & Marin Motherless Daughters
Kentfield, Lagunitas, California – United States
Colleen Russell, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Group Psychotherapist, facilitates successful time-limited and on-going Motherless Daughters Groups since 1997 in Marin (14 years in Mill Valley, currently in Kentfield and Lagunitas, CA). In a safe, supportive environment, women explore relevant issues in their lives, current and past, gain acknowledgment and validation, provide mutual support, learn new skills, with opportunities for healing and integrating loss and trauma. Individual, couple, mother-daughter & family sessions also available in office or by phone. Colleen is a motherless daughter since her mother’s death at 15.
“I am always deeply appreciative of the warmth, care, attentive listening and authenticity women demonstrate in the motherless daughters group.” -Colleen Russell
For more info:
Contact: Colleen Russell (LMFT, CGP)
Phone: 415-785-3513
Email: crussell@colleenrussellmft.com
Website: http://www.colleenrussellmft.com/MotherlessDaughters.en.html
Motherless Daughters of Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California – United States
Motherless Daughters of Los Angeles offers support groups, individual therapy, and an annual Motherless Daughters Day luncheon at a local restaurant. Founder Irene Rubaum-Keller, LMFT, is a motherless daughter and licensed psychotherapist.
For more info:
Contact: Irene Rubaum-Keller, LMFT
Email: ilililil@roadrunner.com
Website: http://www.motherlessdaughtersbiz.com/
San Gabriel Valley Motherless Daughters
San Gabriel Valley (Los Angeles), California – United States
This is a group for women of all ages in the San Gabriel Valley and/or greater Los Angeles area who have lost their mothers. The loss need not be recent, and women of any age are welcome to join us. We get together regularly to talk about life without mom, share stories of our wonderful mothers, and enjoy being with a group of other women who have been there, who are there with us in that club that none of us intended to join. Please visit the website listed below or visit our Facebook Page.
For more info:
Contact: Sarah King or Alex Martin
Email: sgvmotherlessdaughters@gmail.com
Website: http://www.motherlessdaughterssgv.org/
Motherless Daughters – East Bay
Oakland, California – United States
This supportive community is for Bay Area women who lost their moms at any age and are willing to meet in the East Bay region. Supportive gatherings, where women can share their stories in the comfort of someone’s living room, are held about every month with social gatherings (dinners, picnics, etc.) sprinkled in throughout the year.
Web: http://www.meetup.com/Motherless-Daughter-of-the-East-Bay/
For more info:
Contact: Rachel Gabrielson
Email: rmontoyag@gmail.com
Website: http://www.meetup.com/Motherless-Daughter-of-the-East-Bay/
Oakland Motherless Daughters
Oakland, California – United States
Ongoing Process Group for Motherless Daughters
Losing a mother is one of the worst experiences a woman can go through. We may lose confidence in our ability to lead a fulfilling life, and can spend years feeling confused, abandoned, angry, alienated from our peers, numb, adrift, or profoundly bereft. Without enough support for our grief, life can feel overwhelming.
If you’re a Bay Area woman who identifies as “motherless”—either through death, mental or terminal illness, or estrangement—our ongoing process group is for women who understand your challenges. In this group, you will discover a safe, supportive space to connect with women like you; share your story without shame; and find comfort and strategies for living through loss.
Group meets every other Thursday, 6:30-8pm in Oakland, CA.
For more info:
Contact: Shirin Shoai, Registered MFT Intern #IMF73564
Phone: 415-663-6071
Email: shirinshoaimft@gmail.com
Website: http://www.sitwithshirin.com/motherless-daughters.html
Motherless Daughters of Orange County
Orange County, California – United States
The women of Motherless Daughters of Orange County are one of the oldest and most established Motherless Daughters groups in the country. They hold several annual events (luncheons, a picnic, a garage sale fundraiser) as well as social and support groups for college-age women and adults.
For more info:
Contact: Cathy Draeger, president
Phone: 949-381-1938
Email: motherlessdaughters@yahoo.com
Website: http://motherlessdaughtersoforangecounty.org/
Sacramento Motherless Daughters Grief Support Group
Sacramento, California – United States
A new six-week support group (running from January 22-February 26, 2020) will be for adult women who lost their mothers up to and including age 21. The group will provide a safe and nurturing place where women can connect and share their grief experiences and discuss the challenges that come from being a motherless daughter.
Facilitated by Jennifer Bauer, LCSW, and Stephanie Brodsky, LCSW, the group will meet on Wednesday evenings in midtown Sacramento. Cost will be $300 for six sessions. Sliding scale may be available. For more information, please contact Jennifer below.
** Please note: This is designed as a support group, not as a therapy group.
For more info:
Contact: Jennifer Bauer, LCSW
Phone: 916-365-2743
Email: jennifer@jenniferbauerlcsw.com
The San Francisco Motherless Daughters
San Francisco, California – United States
This group is for women of all ages who have lost their mothers and are looking for supportive environment where they can share their experiences, hearts and hopes.
For more info:
Website: http://www.meetup.com/sfmotherlessdaughters/
Mill Valley/San Francisco Motherless Daughters
Mill Valley and San Francisco, California – United States
Lois Friedlander (MFT, CGP) facilitates ongoing psychodynamic support groups for Motherless Daughters of all ages in both her Mill Valley and San Francisco offices. The groups address the myriad concerns and unique life circumstances of women who have experienced the loss of a mother. Individual and group therapy available.
Six Wednesday Evenings 5:45 – 7:00
Begins May 9-June 13, 2018
Interviewing now by phone or in person.
Mother-Daughter relationships can be complicated; the grief experience can be complicated. This group provides a confidential and supportive environment in which members can share their grief experiences and talk openly about loss. No matter how recently or how long ago your mother died, this support group offers an opportunity to explore the impact in the company of other daughters living without.
Your age at the time of her death, the surrounding circumstances, the support available to you – these are things that can influence how you continue to experience life-changing events, family traditions, marriages, births, graduations, job changes. If you have found, for one reason or another, that your sense of loss has not been easily discussed within your family or community, I provide a safe space for those discussions. This is an experience rich with storytelling, sharing, remembering and transitioning to a new phase of life that holds the internal image of mother in a different way.
* Please note that this is a support group, not a therapy group
$300 for the 6-Week Series
Please contact Lois to complete the required Intake interview.
For more info:
Contact: Lois Friedlander (MFT, CGP)
Phone: 415-383-3337
Email: lois@loismft.com
Website: http://www.loismft.com /
The San Jose Motherless Daughters Group
San Jose, California – United States
A large group of motherless daughters meet informally for luncheons and social events in the San Jose area. New members welcome.
For more info:
Contact: Jan McCann
Email: jan_e_mccann@yahoo.com
Website: http://motherlessdaug.meetup.com/13/
Torrance, California – United States
Sydell Weiner, MFT, a motherless daughter herself, facilitates a support group for women who lost their mothers in childhood or adolescence.
For more info:
Contact: Sydell Weiner
Phone: 310-292-2538
Email: sweiner@csudh.edu
Website: http://www.sydellweiner.com/
Westlake Village, CA Motherless Daughters Support Group
Westlake Village, California – United States
A free, open support group for women who have lost their mothers. Our weekly meetings consist of reading small passages about grief and loss, as well as passages from Motherless Daughters, and conversations are open for whatever group members want to bring in that week. This group meet at 32107 Lindero Canyon, Suite 203, in Westlake Village. It’s open to women 18 and older who’ve experienced the physical or mental loss of their mother. This group is therapist facilitated.
For more info:
Contact: Rachel Chistyakov, MA
Phone: 818-422-7691
Email: rachel@marinaedelman.com
Denver, Colorado – United States
A group of motherless daughters meet informally every other month in the Denver area.
For more info:
Website: http://www.motherlessdaug.meetup.com/3/
Connecticut Motherless Daughters
Fairfield County / Southern CT, Connecticut – United States
We are a caring group of women of all ages and in various stages of life. We have lost our mothers or have grown up without the guidance of a mother. The group typically gathers monthly/bimonthly in Southern Connecticut. The interactions are engaging, positive and can be solution focused if a difficult situation (related to being motherless or its consequences) bubbles up in conversation. Before getting together, members are given an opportunity to suggest a meeting question or topic (no pressure—just opportunity!). We feel lucky to have found each other!
For more info:
Contact: Justine Rella and Nanette Hausman
Email: ctmotherlessdaughters@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ctmotherlessdaughters
Mom’s Group for Women Who Have Lost Their Mom
Boca Raton, Florida – United States
Dr. Charette facilitates a group for women who have lost their mothers and are experiencing related feelings of grief. This group is open to women have lost a mother at any age in their life. It is a safe and confidential place for women who want to reach out, listen, share, and connect with other women who are experiencing similar feelings of grief.
An additional focus of this group will be on supporting women who are experiencing grief related to parenting, without the presence and support of their own mothers. In order to maintain the special relationships within the group, significant others and family members are kindly asked not to attend.
Cost: Please contact Dr. Charette for a brief screening & cost
For more info:
Contact: KC Charette
Website: http://kccharette.com/
Miami Beach Motherless Daughters
Miami Beach, Florida – United States
A support group for women of all ages who have lost their mothers. The intention of this group is to unite motherless daughters to process their grief and loss in a confidential setting, and to build a community where motherless daughters find support, strength and shared understanding through life events.
For more info:
Contact: Olivia Schlapfer Colmer, Ph.D, LMFT
Phone: 305-299-9490
Email: info@morningsidetherapy.com
Website: http://www.couplestherapysouthflorida.com/motherless-daughters-support-group.php
Missing Mother
Tallahassee, Florida – United States
Cana Zacharias-Miller, EFT-CC, offers emotional and spiritual healing through the Emotional Freedom Technique. She specializes in women with “missing mother syndrome.” Those whose mothers were emotionally or physically absent during their childhoods.
For more info:
Contact: Carna Zacharias-Miller
Phone: 850-878-5690
Email: carnazm@msn.com
Website: http://www.missingmother.com/
Atlanta, Georgia – United States
Coaching to the Heart is a community for women of all ages to experience a safe and supportive space to share their feelings and experiences after the loss of a mother. This is a place for motherless daughters and motherless mothers to support each other and no longer feel alone in their grief.
The monthly group is facilitated by a certified spiritual life coach and on special occasions we invite a special guest to join the conversation.
You should expect to gain acknowledgement, learn new skills and tools, and experience an opportunity to build long term relationships through Sisterhood.
“As a motherless daughter at the tender age of 3, I am always deeply appreciative of the comforting, caring, attentive listening, and authenticity women demonstrate in the motherless daughters group.” – Diana Curtis
Please visit www.meetup.com/Atlanta-motherless-daughters and http://www.coachingtotheheart.org for more information.
For more info:
Contact: Diana Curtis
Phone: 678-333-7189
Email: Diana@coachingtotheheart.org
Website: http://www.coachingtotheheart.org/
Chicago Loyola Hospital
Chicago, Illinois – United States
Loyola Hospital has run a Motherless Daughters grief support group and workshops in the past. For information about possible upcoming events, contact Terri Grasso at the email below.
For more info:
Contact: Terri Grasso
Phone: 708-216-1209
Email: Terri_grasso@luhs.org
Website: https://www.loyolamedicine.org/patient-information/support-groups/motherless-daughters-support-group
Chicago Motherless Daughters
Chicago, Illinois – United States
This longstanding Chicago group hosts a Motherless Daughters Day Luncheon every year.
For more info:
Contact: Ruta Spencer
Phone: 773-351-5460
Email: rutavg@Ameritech.net
Website: http://www.facebook.com/chicagoareamotherlessdaughters
Indianapolis Motherless Daughters
Indianapolis, Indiana – United States
Meetup with other local women who have lost their mothers at any age. Discussion topics include overcoming grief, loss, and stress.
For more info:
Website: http://www.meetup.com/Indianapolis-Motherless-Daughters/
Dubuque Motherless Daughters
Dubuque, Iowa – United States
For more info:
Contact: Julie Grutz
Email: mmsjwl1971@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Motherless-Daughters-of-Iowa-139224376279978
Kansas City, Kansas
Bi-weekly Thursday night calls at 6 pm CT during the pandemic. Plan on quarterly in-person meetings once it is safe!
For more info:
Contact: Becky Burns
Email: MotherlessDaughtersKC@gmail.com
Website: www.MotherlessDaughtersKC.com
Remembering Our Mothers — Annual Luncheon
Louisville, Kentucky – United States
Hosparus Health is hosting its 21st annual Remembering Our Mothers event on Saturday, May 12, 2018 from 10:30 am – 1:00 pm. The brunch will be held at Hosparus Health, Community Room, 3532 Ephraim McDowell Drive, Louisville, KY 40205. Cost is $20. RSVP by Friday, May 4 by visiting http://bit.ly/rememberingmothers. For questions and payment call 502-456-5451 or 1-800-264-0521.
For more info:
Contact: Lynn Powell
Phone: 502-456-5451
Website: http://www.hosparus.org/
Motherless Daughters of New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana – United States
Motherless Daughters of New Orleans is a group of women and girls who have lost their mothers before age 25. The purpose of the group is to meet others who have experienced early mother loss, to connect through the reading of Hope Edelman’s book, Motherless Daughters, and to provide a safe place to share feelings.
The group meets 1 – 2 times per month and celebrates the life of our mothers annually at the Motherless Mothers Day luncheon held the Friday before Mother’s Day.
For more info:
Contact: Allison Durant
Phone: 713-703-2282
Email: allisondurant@me.com
The Lowell Area Motherless Daughters
Lowell, Maine – United States
Meetup to support, give our experience, strength and hope to local girls and women who have lost their mothers.
For more info:
Contact: Sara Hotaling
Email: saramhotaling@mac.com
Website: http://motherlessdaug.meetup.com/229/
Portland, ME
Portland, Maine – United States
A biweekly support group for motherless daughters, led by a counselor, costs $25 per session.
For more info:
Contact: Sharman L. West, LCSW
Phone: 207-772-3474
Email: slwest@mainerr.com
Baltimore Motherless Mothers
Baltimore, Maryland – United States
Baltimore Motherless Mothers group is a supportive community that offers monthly discussion groups, and other intermittent events such as social gatherings, picnics, and luncheons for women with the shared experience of mothering without a mother. This group is for motherless moms to connect, share experiences, and discuss anxieties and desires. While it is not a formal grief therapy group, we strive to foster sisterly support and nurturing friendships for expecting and new moms who have experienced early mother loss.
For more info:
Contact: Barb Koloshuk
Email: bkoloshuk@gmail.com
Motherless Daughters of New England
Boston, Maryland – United States
Motherless Daughters of New England offers an online support group, as well as local brunches, a Motherless Daughters Day luncheon, an eBook club, and a memory workshop for women and girls who lost a mother at a young age (up to early 20s).
For more info:
Website: http://www.motherlessdaughtersofnewengland.intranets.com/
Boston Area Motherless Daughters
Brookline, Massachusetts – United States
A meeting space which will allow girls and women of all ages to discuss their feelings and experiences after the loss of a mother. This is a place for motherless mothers to support one another and no longer feel alone in their grief.
For more info:
Phone: 781-693-5667
Website: http://motherlessdaug.meetup.com/183/
Mid-Michigan Motherless Daughters
Lansing, Michigan – United States
Mid-Michigan Motherless Daughters is a peer run support group, organized and run by motherless daughters. We meet once a month and occasionally more often as interest arises. We strive to provide an environment where women can find some peace and comfort in order to lighten the feeling of misfortune and to be able to share memories and honor those women that have gone before us.
For more info:
Contact: Debra Satka
Phone: 352-817-1543
Email: SATKADM@michigan.gov
Website: http://www.meetup.com/MidMiMD
Southeast Michigan Motherless Daughters
Royal Oak, Michigan – United States
The sense of isolation that one feels after the loss of a mother is monumental. Although this group is brand new, our goal is to grow into a community that will provide a safe and supportive space for women (18+) who have lost their mothers. This can take a variety of forms: sharing and honoring their memories, working to build healthy new relationships and creating outlets for grief that are positive, healing and fun. Our firm belief is that community is the best way to recover, relieve isolation and thrive.
For more info:
Contact: Kathryn Kieft
Phone: 734-664-7072
Email: kieftkathryn@gmail.com
Website: http://www.meetup.com/Southeast-Mi-Motherless-Daughers
Troy Motherless Daughters
Troy, Michigan – United States
For more info:
Contact: Vicki Waldron
Phone: 586-337-3110
Email: metrodetroitmd@yahoo.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/235497482477/
Minneapolis/St. Paul — Twin Cities
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota – United States
The Twin Cities Motherless Daughters/Motherless Mothers Group is designed for motherless daughters and motherless mothers in the Twin Cities, MN area who would like to connect with other women who have the shared experience of mother loss. This group is for connecting, discussing issues, posting relevant articles/literature, and for updates on upcoming Motherless Daughters and Motherless Mothers events located in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and surrounding suburbs.
This group is associated with She Climbs Mountains, a local non-profit serving adult women who have experienced mother loss at any stage of life.
Please visit our website: http://www.sheclimbsmountains.org/
Please like and share our Facebook page:
For more info:
Contact: Christine Friberg
Email: christine@sheclimbsmountains.org
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/twincitiesmotherlessdaughters/
The Twin Cities Motherless Daughters Group
Saint Paul, Minnesota – United States
The Twin Cities Motherless Daughters Group meets monthly for discussion about issues related to mother loss. Sometimes it’s just nice to know you’re not alone, and to talk to other motherless daughters who can relate. In addition to monthly discussion meetings, we occasionally meet for special occasions, such as a potluck on the Saturday before Mother’s Day–often a difficult holiday for a motherless daughter, and most recently meeting author Hope Edelman when she was in the Twin Cities.
For more info:
Website: http://motherlessdaug.meetup.com/197/
Saint Louis Motherless Daughters
Saint Louis, Missouri – United States
The St. Louis Motherless Daughters group formed in early 2018. We will offer yearly luncheons, social gatherings and a network for women to connect who live in and around the St. Louis area. Women of all ages who have lost their mothers are welcome to join to meet other women who understand the effects of mother loss. For information about the events or the St. Louis Motherless Daughters group, go to their Facebook page or contact Megan Vaninger at the email address listed below.
For more info:
Contact: Megan Vaninger
Email: meganmaren@gmail.com
Website: http://www.facebook.com/MotherlessDaughtersSTL
Motherless Daughters Grief Group
Lincoln, Nebraska – United States
A 6-week class helps daughters take the first steps in the on-going process of working through grief after losing a mother. The class meets in the Fall, every year, at Christ Lutheran Church, 4325 Sumner Street, Lincoln, NE 68506. Please contact Ashley Erks (email below) with questions or interest.
For more info:
Contact: Ashley Erks
Email: aerks@christlutheranchurch.org
Omaha Motherless Daughters
Omaha, Nebraska – United States
This group is open to women of any age who have lost their mothers in any way. We gather to provide each other a safe and comforting environment to share experiences, fears, hopes, joys, life, and create a path toward the future.
For more info:
Contact: Kristina Birge
Phone: 402-203-6750
Email: kristina.birge@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Motherless-Daughters-Omaha-Area/801235199961029
Las Vegas Meetup Group
Las Vegas, Nevada – United States
The Las Vegas, Nevada, Motherless Daughters meetup group can be reached through their Meetup.com page.
For more info:
Maple Creek Motherless Daughters
Maple Creek, Saskatchewan – Canada
A relatively new group, our main purpose is to seek out, unite and support women who lost their mother through death before the age of 21, we recognize that meaningful relationships may be formed regardless of cause of loss or age at which it occurred. We welcome all who wish to facilitate friendships, gain knowledge and extend understanding (and receive as well!).
For more info:
Contact: Tracy Bowie
Phone: 306-558-4408
Email: wisewmnsk@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Motherless-Daughters-of-SW-Saskatchewan-160533611104341/
Motherless Daughters of New Jersey
Edison, New Jersey – United States
This group is open to women of all ages who have lost their mothers and would like to meet with others who understand their loss and the void that is left in each our lives. We’ll meet to celebrate our mothers and support each other. This New Jersey-based Motherless Daughters group was formed as an adjunct to the NYC Motherless Daughters group, so that the NJ members can also be part of the bigger entity in NYC.
For more info:
Contact: Susan M.
Email: sumolica@aol.com
Northern New Jersey Motherless Daughters
Montclair, New Jersey – United States
This group is committed to bringing together motherless daughters by encouraging healing among them, providing insight and compassion and offering strength and hope through promoting awareness about the long-lasting effects of such a loss. The group consists of local girls and women who have lost their mothers, and is also open to those who live outside of the immediate area.
For more info:
Contact: Karen
Email: klm2914@juno.com
Website: http://www.meetup.com/Northern-New-Jersey-Motherless-Daughters/
NYC Motherless Daughters
New York, New York – United States
We are glad to have a safe place to be able to share our feelings. This group is dedicated to bringing together women whose mothers have passed away. Social get-togethers are held a few times a year which allow members to meet and discuss the issues we struggle with by having lost our moms. The group also administers a Facebook page where new members are encouraged to join.
For more info:
Contact: Norma Solarte
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NYCMLD/
Staten Island Motherless Daughters
Staten Island, New York – United States
The Staten Island chapter of the Motherless Daughters community communicates largely on its Facebook page and for in-person events. It welcomes motherless women who currently live on Staten Island or used to and still have ties to the island for meeting and event purposes.
For more info:
Contact: Nicole Smith
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/433003657126696/
Charlotte Motherless Daughters
Charlotte, North Carolina – United States
This is an online support group for women whose mothers have died. Women of all ages are welcome to share their stories and look to this group for comfort and understanding.
For more info:
Contact: Lynne Williams
Email: lynnewind@hotmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/421881611246612/
Triangle Motherless Daughters
Raleigh, North Carolina – United States
Triangle Motherless Daughters is a group for motherless daughters of all ages and experiences living in central North Carolina. We welcome members to meet for social gatherings and support groups. Looking forward to meeting you!
For more info:
Contact: Natalia Smith (Ph.D, LMFT)
Phone: 910-787-3033
Email: trianglemotherlessdaughters@gmail.com
Website: http://www.meetup.com/triangle-motherless-daughters/
Akron, Ohio – United States
The group meets monthly to support, give experience, strength and hope to local girls and women who have lost their mothers. Visit their blog at http://www.cfmd.blogspot.com.
For more info:
Website: http://www.meetup.com/cf-motherless-daughters/
Motherless Daughters Ministry
Cincinnati, Ohio – United States
The Motherless Daughters Ministry is a Christian organization dedicated to serving women who have lost or missed the nurturing care of a mother. We fulfill our mission by freeing women from the bondage of grief and loss through self-discovery, understanding how loss has shaped their lives, and by empowering them to journey towards healing themselves, and helping others.
Who do we serve? A motherless daughter can be a woman who has experienced mother loss through death of her mother, either by early loss before her 20’s or later loss after her 20’s. A motherless daughter could be a woman who has experienced a mother who may have quit nurturing her at an earlier age, and then she loses her mother again through death as an adult. This is defined as a double loss. A motherless daughter might be a woman who has a living mother but has never experienced her mother’s nurturing care. Which one of these defines you? We offer a range of classes, retreats, support groups, blogs, and mentoring for Motherless Daughters. Check out our website for the latest offerings along with our Facebook page. Classes are offered throughout the year at various times, retreats are offered in March and June at this time. Connections and Conversations groups offered monthly on the 1st Monday and 2nd Sunday at two different locations.
Contact Mary Ellen Collins, PhD, Executive Director, Maryellen@motherlessdaughtersministry.com or Cara Barth, Administrative Director, cara@motherlessdaughtersministry.com for more information. You can also access the group’s Facebook page here.
For more info:
Contact: Mary Ellen Collins, PhD, Executive Director
Website: http://www.motherlessdaughtersministry.com/
Cleveland Motherless Daughters
Cleveland, Ohio – United States
This is a social support group for women in the Cleveland area whose mothers have died. Women of all ages are welcome to share their stories and look to this group for comfort and understanding. Among the tools this group utilizes to process grief in daily life are gentle yoga and meditation events throughout the year. The gatherings, called Yoga to Remember, are led by daughter/registered yoga teacher Becky Verner and feature gentle stretching, quiet meditation and time for reflection and community. Yoga to Remember is open to the community and those in any stage of grief of any loss. Cleveland Motherless Daughters, however, is limited to women grieving the death of their mothers. For more information on Yoga to Remember events specifically, go to beckyverneryoga.com/yoga-to-remember or email her.
For more info:
Contact: Becky Verner
Email: clemotherlessdaughters@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CLEmotherlessdaughters/
Columbus Motherless Daughters
Columbus, Ohio – United States
The Columbus Motherless Daughters Meetup is a peer support group open to any woman who lost her mother when she was age 30 or younger, no matter how long ago she experienced this life-altering loss, and regardless of the circumstances surrounding the loss.Monthly meetups focusing on grief discussion and healing, outdoor activities, yoga, and other empowering outings, as well as an annual Motherless Daughters Day remembrance to honor our Mothers are in store. We are also open to ideas and suggestions, so please send your thoughts to the organizer(s).
The 2018 Motherless Daughters Day Luncheon will be held on Sunday May 6 at 1 p.m. The group also has a private Facebook page that new members can join.
For more info:
Contact: Shenan Smith
Email: cbusmotherlessdaughters@gmail.com
Website: https://www.meetup.com/Columbus-Motherless-Daughters/?_cookie-check=8asdqndKyYV-6KHw
Hospice & Community Care
Lancaster, Pennsylvania – United States
Hospice & Community Care of Lancaster, PA offers grief support groups and holds an annual “Remembering Our Mothers” Luncheon each May for women whose mothers are no longer living.
For more info:
Contact: Elaine Ostrum
Phone: 717-391-2413
Email: eostrum@hospicecommunity.org
Website: http://www.pathwaysthroughgrief.org/
Family Lives On
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – United States
Volunteer opportunity: Family Lives On Foundation, a nonprofit organization, serves children ages 3 to 18 whose mothers have died or are terminally ill. Volunteers help the kids continue annual traditions and simple pleasures they once shared with their mothers (e.g. baking cookies, planting flowers) until the child turns 18. Mommy’s Light currently operates in greater Philadelphia, southern New Jersey, and northern Delaware.
For more info:
Phone: 610-458-1690
Website: http://www.mommyslight.org/
Pittsburgh Motherless Daughters
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – United States
Sarah Souri, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, facilitates a weekly therapeutic Motherless Daughters group in Wexford, PA. The group is a safe, nurturing place to connect with others and find support while dealing with the unique challenges of being a Motherless Daughter. Sarah has been a therapist for more than 20 years and has also been a Motherless Daughter for more than 20 years. Individual and family sessions are also available.
For more info:
Contact: Sarah Souri, MSW, LCSW
Phone: 412-400-4315
Email: souricounseling@comcast.net
Website: http://www.sarahsouri.com/
Southeastern PA Motherless Daughters
Southeastern PA, Pennsylvania – United States
This group currently meets online via Facebook, but the organizers — one of whom is also closely involved with the NYC Motherless Daughters group — hope to soon hold in-person events as well.
For more info:
Contact: Amy Suznovich
Email: amysuznov@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/southeasternpennsylvaniamotherlessdaughters
Austin, Texas – United States
Two different support groups:
1. Therapeutic support group for adolescent girls experiencing the loss of their mother.
2. Therapeutic support group for women experiencing the loss of their mother.
For more info:
Contact: Linda Brase, M.A., LPC
Phone: 512-496-4848
Website: http://www.lindabrase.com/
Houston Area Motherless Daughters
Houston, Texas – United States
Houston Area Motherless Daughters is open to women of any age that have lost their mothers in any way. It is to provide for each other a safe and comforting environment to share experiences, fears, hopes, joys, and lives and create a path toward the future. Please join the group on its Facebook page under “Houston Area Motherless Daughters”.
For more info:
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/128658470486091/
Northern Virginia Motherless Daughters (NOVA)
Vienna, Virginia – United States
This is a local group for women whose mothers have died. Inspired by Hope Edelman’s book and resources on mother loss, we support each other through this community to share resources and get together. We hope you join us as you are, and know that you are not alone.
For more info:
Contact: Julia Sullivan
Email: jsull9gd@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1637461836553961/
Connect and Reflect Retreat/GroundNote Counseling
Seattle, Washington – United States
The Pacific Northwest Motherless Daughters Connect and Reflect Retreat will be held from
November 1-3, 2019. This gathering is for adult women who have lost their mothers to death at least one year prior to the retreat and wish to joyfully remember their mothers, connect with other women who are navigating life without a mother, and nourish themselves in the peaceful setting of Harmony Hill Retreat Center on Hood Canal. For more information visit www.groundnotecounseling.com
In addition, twelve-week Motherless Daughters support groups meet on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $40 per session. Sliding scale is available.
For more info:
Contact: Paige Tangney (LMHC)
Phone: 206-999-0709
Email: groundnotecounseling@gmail.com
Website: http://www.groundnotecounseling.com/
Washington D.C.
Washington, District of Columbia – United States
DC Urban Moms has an online message board for motherless mothers in the DC metro area. Some of the women these are interested in expanding to an in-person group.
For more info:
Website: http://www.dcurbanmom.com/
Green Bay Motherless Daughters
Green Bay, Wisconsin – United States
A group of women in the Green Bay area meet monthly at a local restaurant and hold a luncheon or picnic each May. The group started more than eight years ago and welcomes new members at any time. Contact Liz at 920-497-0646 or 920-419-3275 for more information.
For more info:
Contact: Liz Wilson
Phone: 920-497-0646
Email: bluewillow822@aol.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Motherless-Daughters-in-Green-Bay-Wisconsin/104433346266395
Melbourne Motherless Daughters
Melbourne, Victoria – Australia
For more info:
Contact: Eloise Hughes
Email: emhughes312@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/1875097749372947/?ti=icl
Albury Wodonga Motherless Daughters
Wodonga, Victoria – Australia
Albury Wodonga Motherless Daughters hold a motherless daughters luncheon each year. We recognise that for many women whose mothers have died, Mother’s Day can be a time of mixed feelings. We join many other women from across the globe, to reminisce and celebrate our journey as motherless daughters. The day includes a short opening address, followed by a shared lunch and ceremony to honour our departed mothers. This event is based on the initiative of Hope Edelman, US Author of “Motherless Daughters”.
For more info:
Contact: Marissa Clarkson (Licensed Psychosocial Occupational Therapist)
Phone: 041-948-8252
Email: marissa789@yahoo.com.au
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1062725513817558/
Motherless Daughters Niagara
St. Catharines, Ontario – Canada
A non-denominational supportive community for daughters grieving the loss of their mothers by means of death, separation or illness.We strive to foster support, friendship, understanding and acceptance through sisterhood.
For more info:
Contact: Amanda Fulton
Email: motherlessdaughtersniagara@gmail.com
Website: http://facebook.com/motherlessdaughtersniagara
British Columbia – Canada
Wildflower is a therapeutic support group for women who have experienced mother loss through death in childhood or adolescence (before age 21) and provides a supportive, nurturing, and counsellor-facilitated environment through which to:
Inform and empower in the present, while honouring memories of the past, and navigating the healing direction of the future
Build a consistent and reliable network of meaningful support surrounding this life-long, life-altering event
Share powerful personal experience, wisdom, and insights
Educate and empower through information and resource sharing
Provide access to therapeutic elements and outcomes surrounding this very specific bereavement topic
Celebrate resilience
All Wildflower group process sessions and therapeutic events are facilitated by Michelle Hohn, MA, RTC, who lost her mother to breast cancer at age 11.
For more information:
Contact: Michelle Hohn, MA, RTC
Email: michelle@akashiccounselling.com
Website: www.akashiccounselling.com/wildflower/
Motherless Daughters Berlin
Berlin – Germany
This is a new support group started in 2018. Meetings will take place every six weeks at the organizer’s apartment, and last for two hours in the late afternoon. They will be held in either English or German, depending on the makeup of the group.
More information is available at the group’s Meetup page, https://www.meetup.com/Berlin-Motherless-Daughters-Meetup/
For more info:
Contact: Annie Xystouris
Phone: 004-917-943803
Email: annie.xystouris@gmail.com
The Motherless Mothers Foundation of Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv – Israel
The Motherless Mothers Foundation (Imahot L’lo Imahot) offers support groups in three cities for motherless women raising children. Their first conference for motherless daughters was held in December 2006 in Tel Aviv and attracted more than 300 participants.
For more info:
Contact: Julie Rahav
Phone: 972-544-714044
Email: motherlessmothers@mail.com
Website: http://www.motherlessmothers.org.il/
Motherless Daughters Social Support Groups — Nijmegen & Rotterdam
Nijmegen & Rotterdam – Netherlands
These are social support groups for women who are motherless daughters. The meetups are organized at two places in the Netherlands, Nijmegen and Rotterdam.
In Nijmegen, we meet at the organizer’s house. In Rotterdam we meet at Canvas Rotterdam. One month there’s a meeting in Nijmegen, the other month will be Rotterdam. You can join the group that’s closest or most convenient to you, but you are also welcome to join in both places.
Women of all ages and all loss ages are welcome. We share stories and advice with each other. We sometimes talk about topics from Hope’s book. Let’s connect. You are very welcome to join the group.
For more info:
Contact: Anniek Gelissen
Email: info@anniekgelissen.com
Website: https://anniekgelissen.com/motherlessdaughtersnederland/
The Sisterhood (Motherless Daughters London)
London – United Kingdom
The Sisterhood started in early 2014. It’s a Meetup Group for women who were under 21 at time of loss and meets around once a month in Central London or Zone 2.
For more info:
Contact: P. Philips
Email: thesisterhoodlondon@gmail.com
Website: http://www.meetup.com/The-Sisterhood-London-for-Motherless-Daughters/?a=mm2_l6
Dubai Motherless Daughters
Dubai – United Arab Emirates
For more info:
Contact: Joanna Askew
Email: joanna.askew@gmail.com