Looking for additional information or tools to help you or others adjust to a loss? The resources below have been sourced from the Motherless Daughters Retreats programs, Hope Edelman, and long-time members of the Motherless Daughters Community. If you don’t see what you need on this page, feel free to contact us at with your request.

Rituals are a way to create continuity between the past, the present, and the future. These are two rituals you can do on your own or with others to mark the occasion of passing your mother’s age at time of death (the “Silent Threshold”) and to acknowledge a loved one’s death anniversary date.

If you are looking for a non-fiction book*, podcast, film, journal article, or other resources specific to the loss you suffered, we have created an extensive list of the many different mediums that may resonate.

* Please note that we are not including fiction or memoirs in the adult resources at this time, but have included those genres for children and young adults, as that is often the best way to connect with those under 18. 

The list is divided into 6 categories, below and a resource for children and teens:

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